
Sunday, May 31, 2015

Masters Swim Team Info

Dear Swim Team Parents and Guardians,

Coach Sam and I are excited to offer all adult CCC members an opportunity to improve/create new swimming skills and receive stroke improvement techniques a total of four days per week June 1, 2015 (this Monday is the first practice) through July 22, 2014!  Either Coach Brittany or Coach Sam will lead practice, and our goal is to cater workouts to fit each participants particular goals and objectives.  We will offer a mix of both technique and cardio work.  Whether you have never been to a structured swim practice, are a veteran swimmer, or even a tri-athlete, this program is for you!  Here are our practice times and rates:

Monday 7PM-8PM
Wednesday 7PM-8PM

Tuesday 7:30AM-8:30AM
Thursday 7:30AM-8:30AM

$150 per participant or $20/session

I implemented a successful masters swim program last summer, and participants expressed their surprise at how much they accomplished by the end of season. Sam and I look forward to equipping you with the knowledge to allow swimming to be more successfully incorporated into your workout routine, and for an opportunity to work with you this summer!  Please contact me with any additional questions.

Coach Brittany Oxley
Cherokee Country Club
Assistant Swim Coach